Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Not So Wordless Wednesday

Okay so I know that Wednesday are supposed to be wordless but I just had to get in a few sweepstake entries. My friend Sarah is having some awesome giveaways over at Minnesota Mama's Must Haves and I had to blog about it. My fav right now is the little tikes 2 in 1 Garden Cart and Wheelbarrow.
Isn't this just the cutest thing? I love it!!! and so would Jayden, I could see him now pushing this around and trying to plant the flowers in the ground.

Sarah has a really nice blog so head on over and take a peek!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

I feel like this was just yesterday, it's so hard to believe he is already 2 now!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Coupon Crazy

Okay after months of falling behind on my couponing I decided after today I was NO longer going to be behind. I've spent months trying to organize just the right couponing system for myself. So far so good right? I found a really nice zippered day runner type organizer at the thrift store practically brand new and unused. I spent less than 4 dollars for it. Then I wanted to organize it with pockets from Staples and I bought 3 packs of them, but I used my Staples rewards from turning in my recycled ink. So after months of planning and organizing and clipping my stack of coupons I placed them in my book today...ONLY TO REALIZE THAT I CAN'T CLOSE MY ORGANIZER NOW!!! So as I was saying the past few months that I'm not rolling with the big dogs (all those coupon Divas) and carrying around a large notebook...ha ha...looks like I'm going to have to totally reorganize my book into a LARGE one. O well, at least I've got all my coupons clipped and separated. Now if I could only find some money to go shopping?????

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Awesome Deal Finds from Hasbro & Playskool

Only have a moment to blog, still drowning in wash, coupons to clip and a house to clean. This morning found some GREAT deals from Hasbro & Playskool. You know it's never too early to start Christmas shopping, it always seems to creep up on me and I'll not have any money to shop. Toys R us in particular has a LPS & Blythe doll set on sale for 8.99 and you can use the 5.00 off coupon from here and get it for 3.99. That is an AWESOME buy. They have lots of other goodies too!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools but this is no Joke Fantastic Blog & Giveaway

Hi All..once again I have lots to blog about, especially since today is my middle son's birthday (he turned 9 today) however time is short so I'm just going to leave you with another awesome blog and giveaway. Mommy Kat and Kids is another one of my favorites so head on over and check her out...